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Case studies


Social research

Perceptive Insight was commissioned by Queen’s University of Belfast and the Ulster University to undertake the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, which is one of the largest longitudinal studies on the island of Ireland. Its mission is to monitor the attitudes and behaviour of people in Northern Ireland annually to provide a time-series and a public record of how our attitudes and behaviour develop on a wide range of social policy issues. The study has focused upon a wide range of issues, including community relations, minority ethnic people and migrant workers, equality issues, political attitudes and attitudes to health-related issues such as autism and abortion.  As part of this large-scale study, each year Perceptive Insight completed 1,200 hour long interviews with randomly selected respondents from households across Northern Ireland.


Perceptive Insight is experienced across a wide range of research areas. We are able to provide services tailored to match your organisation’s needs. Below are a number of examples of recent projects.


Housing research

Perceptive Insight has vast experience of conducting research that assesses the needs of housing tenants. Over the past seven years we have managed the Continuous Tenant Omnibus Survey, which is the main way the Northern Ireland Housing Executive collects information about what tenants think about their tenancy, their home, the service they receive, and the neighbourhood they live in. Each year Perceptive Insight gathers feedback from 2,600 tenants, which is then used by the Housing Executive to inform their strategic and operational planning.


Health research

Working in collaboration with Queens University, Ulster University, the Health and Social Care Board, and the Mental Health Foundation we delivered the first ever measure of mental health prevalence among young people in Northern Ireland. The Youth Wellbeing NI study was running over the course of one year. As part of this research, Perceptive Insight interviewed over 3,000 children, young people and their parents. The findings are being used to identify and support gaps in the funding and provision of mental health services.


Business and economic trend research

Perceptive Insight has been responsible for the implementation and delivery of the InterTradeIreland Business Monitor since 2010.  The Business Monitor is the largest all-island survey of business sentiment. For each quarterly wave of the survey, Perceptive Insight interviews a robust sample of 750 businesses across the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The survey explores a number of topics, including business issues, growth and profitability, employment, sales performance, export activity and innovation. The findings from each quarter are made publicly available on InterTradeIreland’s website, and are used by a number of influential policy makers and economists.


Business planning research

Perceptive Insight has delivered research programmes used to inform investment priorities and business planning for a number of organisations. Most recently we carried out a robust year-long study on behalf of Northern Ireland Electricity Networks to ascertain the views and priorities of consumers. The research encompassed both qualitative and quantitative research techniques, and involved several phases including stated preference design, implementation and analysis. As part of this research, Perceptive Insight worked closely with a steering group which included the Utility Regulator, The Consumer Council and the Department for the Economy to inform the drafting of NIE’s 2017 – 2024 business plan.


Event evaluations

We have undertaken a number of large-scale evaluations, including assessments of Tourism NI funded events in recent years. The projects evaluated included the Irish Golf Open, Foyle Maritime Festival, North West 200 and the Cathedral Quarter festival, among others. As part of these evaluations, we delivered a mixed-methods approach in order measure estimated visitor numbers and the economic impact of each event.  The comprehensive reporting we provided was used by Tourism NI to determine return on investment from each of the events.

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